Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Winter Solstice

Baut Images: Sudden Snow

Sudden snow.
A pause.
An inhalation.
The planet stirs.
Solar storm warning.

Winter Solstice.
Ice knives fly.
Too late.
No cover.
Homeland insecurity.
Fear merchants.
No recompense for the rich.

Sudden snow.
A pause.
An exhalation.
St. Vitus dances.
Bankers leap from windows.
Jeremiah reads Lamentations.
The city lays deserted.

Roger Allen Baut

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I Remember Autumn

[Baut Images: Angel in the Sky]

I remember Autumn, as a child.
Smoky scents on a crisping breeze.
Images of baked potatoes.

Clear blue skies.
A hazy amber afternoon sun setting.
School children.

I was a child then.
A potential.
Dreaming still.

But, the child is now locked inside,
And away from those Halcyon Days
Of golden September and October;
When we laughed, and ran, in the pumpkin patch.

I remember Autumn, as I am today.

 ©2011 Roger Allen Baut

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Who will Mourn for America?

[Baut Images: Liberty Forsaken]

Who will mourn for America?
Who will take the time to contemplate
All she's been in the past?
Her freedoms, lands and opportunities,
That made her a diamond amongst lands.

Who will mourn for America?
Who will think to consider
Her Bill of Rights and Constitution?
Written from the needs of a people,
Who refused taxation from a crown.

Who will mourn for America?
Who will remember her greatness
And Lady Liberty with torch held high?
Who welcomed the many, to a land
Of vast plains, great lakes, and opportunity.

Who will mourn for America?
Who can, even now, see the blight,
That has descended upon her lands?
The taint of greed, lust for power and wealth,
Has infected her from heart to hand.

I will mourn for America!
I will spend time at her shrine,
Reflecting on the promise of hope for all peoples!
Burning pine and white sage on her altars,
And casting the ashes, on her oil soaked sands.

Roger Allen Baut

"...Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth,
None of them along the line, know what any of it is worth...

All along the watchtower, princes kept the view,
While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too..."

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Seeds of Insanity

[Baut Images: Shattered Dreams]

They say it all started
when Cain slew Abel,
and the seeds of insanity were sown.

For who of a sane mind
would kill another,
and not even think it was wrong.

Then came the long march
of death and destruction
from Babylon to Egypt, then Rome.

Mighty Rome took it further
through conquest and legions;
by burning and salting the ground.

But empires rise, and empires fall,
as it seems they so often do,
and with avarice friend, build they tombs.

Then look to religions,
saving souls with fools gold;
shadow empires amongst all the rest.

Priestly travelers call
with their banners unfurled,
and a sword hung close at the hip.

Yes, they say it all started
when Cain slew Abel,
now those seeds have all fully grown.

Roger Allen Baut

This is once again in 'triplet' form of image, poem and music video.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rend the Wounded Sky: Version 2

[Baut Images: Rend the Wounded Sky II]

Sharply castigating the sky,
The sharpened thistle's spears
Strike upward at the thinkening clouds.

Dark swords against the gray,
They slash and tear
And rend the wounded sky.

Lightning crackles downward,
Striking the thistle's swords
As blood rain falls on unhallowed ground.

These are the days,
That have been prophesized
When the land is torn asunder.

The battle in nature has begun,
A last desperate hope
To restore balance on Planet Earth.
Roger Allen Baut

Please note: This is in 'triplet' form of image, poem and music video.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Rend the Wounded Sky

[Baut images: Rend the Wounded Sky]

Sharply castigating the sky,
The deadly thistle pod spears
Stab upward at the thickening clouds.

Dark swords against the gray,
They slash and tear
And rend the wounded sky.

Green lightening crackles downward,
Attacking the thistle swords
As blood rain falls pelting unhallowed ground.

The battle in nature has begun,
In a last desperate hope
Of bringing balance back to Earth.

Roger Allen Baut
Please note: This is once again in 'triplet' form of image, poem and song.
listen...the prophesy...

from the Delerium CD Syrophenikan

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Autumn III: Written on the Winds

[Baut Images: Bumblebee and Canadian Goldenrod]

I can feel it in the air,
Taste it on the breeze.

Apple and cinnamon,
Pear and pumpkin spice.

All the lovely flavors,
That make this season nice.

Bumblebees and honeybees,
Flying through the air.

Searching for the nectar,
And all the pollen that's there.

It's written on the winds,
It's written in our souls.

Autumn's all around us,
So let the love just grow.

It's written on the winds,
It's written in our souls.

Autumn's all around us,
So let the love just grow.

Let the love just flow...

Roger Allen Baut

⊰道 Once again this offering is made in
'triplet' form. Image, poem and video.道⊱

"There's no beginning,
There'll be no end..."
...from another place and time

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dark Skies

[Baut Images: Dark Skies]

Dark the skies.
Dark the clouds.
Dark the Age.
Dark the thoughts.
Dark the leaders.

All the darkness
One could want!
By witch hunts,
And Wars.

Dark the leaders.
Dark the thoughts.
Dark the Age.
Dark the clouds.
Dark the skies.

Roger Allen Baut

and yet...

"Don't let
The eyes of sadness
Reflect on
Your inner soul
Let the Light shine through
Let the Light shine.

And deliver you through
The passages of life."


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I Hear Atlantis Weeping...

[Baut Images:  Atlantean Dreams]

I hear Atlantis weeping for her lost, lost Summer children,
Who having cast her aside for brighter gems and toys;
Left her to die alone on her once proud beaches.

Hear not her cries for help!
See not her withering lands, and forests, and streams,
Littered with the refuse of Man.

Hear O Ye People, hear the sighs of once fair Atlantis,
Hear her cries, as they ply the winds along Pacific Coast Highway,
And as she laments her fallen Summer children.

Children who see naught, but their own selfish needs.
See not the suffering of their brothers and sisters,
And the hungry and homeless roaming in-between.

Hear her now in the voices of approaching Autumn leaves,
Falling, ever falling from the hair of the fallen Summer children;
Lost in their food, and drink, and greed.

Children who now waste away in their hazy dreams,
Tossing and turning, and needing more and more;
Crying in eternities non-time, "Come back, come back again!"

I hear Atlantis weeping...
Lost Summer children...
Who cast her aside...
Left her to die alone...
On her once proud beaches...
Come back, come back again...

Roger Allen Baut
It's Almost Full Moon...

Note: This poetic art form consists of an image, poem and music video to lend it a 3-tiered/dimensional aspect to the work. Please consider all three parts when viewing this work. Thank-you! ☺

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Buckeye Confesses

[Baut Images: Buckeye Butterfly]

I must confess, O Son of Man,
I am merely a buckeye butterfly.

Once upon a time, I know,
The air was free from exhaust.

Who sails upon the summer breeze,
Loving all the lands that I see.

For once upon a time, I know,
The grasses were pesticide free.

And while flitting from flower to flower,
Ive seen the results of your power.

And once upon a time, I know,
The water ran free from your chemicals.

Watching my kin growing fewer and fewer,
As I felt the pain like a skewer.

And, I must confess, O Son of Man,
Much damage has been done at your hand.

Once upon a time...

Once upon a...



...and a big thank you Natasha for being you, and all that you do!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I Remember Autumn II

[Baut Images: Amongst the Leaves]

I remember Autumn (as a child).
Smoky scents upon a crisping breeze,
And images of baked potatoes.


Clear blue skies.

Hazy amber sun setting.

October's children running past the house.

But most of all, the cool, fresh evenings
That chilled me to the bone,
And made me long for All Hallow's Eve.

But I was a child (then).

A potential.


Dreaming still.

Though the child's body has gone,
Yet, the child lives on inside.
I remember Autumn (with a sigh).
Roger Allen Baut

Posted for dVerse Open Link night

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fire in Ice

[Baut Images: Fire in Ice]
I have seen the fire in ice
And sunshine days of a brilliant Summer.

I have felt the crisp bright blue touch
Of Autumn's frosty kiss.

I have tasted the flavour of snowflakes flying
And revelled in a pristine Winter bliss.

I have flown my kite on the breezes of March
And danced on that very first day of Spring.

I have seen the fire in ice
And wept at the beauty of all these things.

Roger Allen Baut


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wilde Roses

[Baut Images: Wilde Roses]

Come with me now to the place of wilde roses,
And listen well to the songs that they sing.

For they sing of a time and a place gone by,
Of which you, and I, only dream.

Come to the place of wilde roses,
And breathe in the air that they breathe.

For the air there is pure, and clean, and sweet,
And opens to a land faire and free.

So, come with me now, to the place of wilde roses,
To a new land, where all just can be.
Roger Allen Baut 

Sunday, July 31, 2011


[Baut Images: Portal]

Just ahead of me now,
Along the path I travel,
Is a new world.

A world with fresh air,
Clear blue water and clean food;
A new world.

Where people work together,
For the benefit of each other,
And deception is unknown.

Just ahead of me now,
Lies the portal,
Time to step...

Roger Allen Baut

Friday, July 22, 2011

There Are None So Blind II: The Debt Crisis w/Epitaph

[Baut Images: Liberty praying]

If anyone is a bit familiar with my blogs, he or she may see that my topics have ranged from natural earth changes, events, and disasters, to mankind's role in some of the earth changes that are taking place (fracking, oil spills, pollution, et cetera), as well as subjects relating to metaphysics, numerology, photography, poetry and prose.

The original blog, entitled, There Are None So Blind, (ref  There Are None So Blind... ) was motivated by the July 3, 2011 oilspill in the Yellowstone River, courtesy of Exxon Mobil, and delt with several environmental and sociological issues.

This particular blog moves along to another important issue that has recently caught my attention and ire, because so many people seem so very apathetic about our current debt crisis and are seemingly allowing the government to do whatever it pleases. Take away this, cut that, et cetera. Most of which is going to affect a population of people that needs government help and assistance, and it may eventually affect people who 'today' think they are 'untouchable'!

However, at this point in time, I'm not quite sure if 'apathy' is the correct word to use. The word 'apathy' seems a bit mild! Especially when I take a look at all the heinous crimes that are being perpetrated by our government, not only on our planet and eco-system, but on others of our very own species as well.

Apathy may be defined as a lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of importance. Synonyms are:  indifference, unconcern, lethargy, laziness, despiritedness, et cetera [Free Merriman-Webster Dictionary].

As historical tradition teaches us, this is supposedly a '...government of the people, by the people, and for the people,' (Gettysburg Address) not one 'of the government, by the government, and for the government!' Somehow it seems people have fallen back, and abdicated their responsibility in governance! Our elected representatives, are supposed to be 'our' representatives, and 'our' representatives do not, I feel, have most of the people's interests at heart, or any one else's for that matter, except perhaps the wealthy, banksters, corporates, oil barons, et cetera.

THE DEBT CRISIS: This issue has come to almost nausiate me, as it has gone on and on and on. All the blather about this or that, and cutting this or that. Anyone with a lone brain cell can see that the debt crisis has been perpetrated by this administration, and the preceding one.

• The real debt crisis began with the premptive war with Iraq, and the pouring of billions of dollars into that fiasco, as well as Iraqi nationals, such as Ahmed Chalibi who gobbled down millions of dollars with 'information' on Iraq. Chalibi was one of the key people who helped to perpetrate the hoax that Iraq was a threat to the US. An article on Chalibi came out in salon.com May 4, 2004; over seven years ago. Article: How Ahmed Chalibi conned the neocons

• In some way, shape or form, I am inclined to believe the neocons wanted to be 'conned' so their premptive 'little' war could be initiated. And let us not forget how the cronies in the Bush era came out of the woodwork and got contracts for their buddies; such as Halliburton. Interesting article of note here, on how Cheney was involved in this:  Cheney Coordinated Halliburton Iraq Contract

• The ongoing amount of money that has gone into Iraq from the beginning is over $788,030,280,000  and Afghanistan is over $435,908,500,00. You can do the math and see what the total for these two wars amount to, or go to, which is really cool, a continual update on the money that has been spent on these wars: Cost of War in Iraq and Afghanistan to US

• So, what's the answer? Maybe, one, is to get the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan! Or maybe the Bush and Obama administrations should pay the amount of money they spent on these fiascos, back to the federal government out of their own pockets (they're wealthy enough to foot the bill for their wars). Then perhaps they won't have to rip social security, medicare, medicaid, and other social welfare programs away from the people!

• Another answer is to cut the pay and 'benefits' that our 'professional' politicians are receiving from the federal government. Most of these people are wealthy in their own right, and wouldn't miss the money they're paid. If I'm not mistaken, our early politicians maintained themselves on their businesses and not the government! As to health care, let the politicians pay for their own health insurance policies; they've got the dough! Note: 50 per cent of US Armed Forces quailfy for Medicad! Nice! Check this out: Government Spending: Congress Member vs Military

• Also, start collecting taxes from those corporations that are sucking money out of the US, and yet have their headquarters in other countries. Nice trick on the American people corporates, enjoy your blood money that you're vampirizing out of this nation!

• The 'trickle down' philosophy is a bunch of hoo-hah! Money trickles upward from the people who are spending their hard earned money on various products, state and local taxes, et cetera, et cetera. There are virtually taxes upon every thing one can think of. Even when a person dies they're required to pay taxes to! What a bunch of hogwash is that? This country was born out a war about rediculous taxes being levied upon the colonials from the British crown, or have we forgotten?

• Another issue connected with the debt crisis is the 'Support Our Troops/Vets,' slogan, and a slogan it is, as another crock from our governement! Our veterans are being supported alright, and not in a good way! Check this out: National Coalition for Homeless Veterans

• Speaking about homeless people, might as well take a look at those people who are homeless in America. The latest assessment is there has been a 9 per cent increase in homless families in the wonderful U. S. of A. Homeless Families Increase In America

• Along with homeless veterans and families, there are also homeless kids in this supposed nation of wealth and money. Oh, there's money for stupid wars and the likes of Harmid Karzai of Afghanistan, banksters, corporates, and tax cuts for the wealthy, but we have kids going hungry, with no health insurance and no homes. Something wrong with this picture? U.S. Homeless Kids

Enough is enough! It's time to stop the insanity in America. This article has only touched on the surface of some of issues involved in the debt crisis, there are many more!

• The time is NOW, for people to start working together for the benefit of all people. The feudal regimes which are re-emerging must come to an end! Many nations were born under the banner of liberty and equality, but we now find them slipping back into a two class society of wealthy and poor, and the wealthy are squeezing the once substantive middle class into the poor.

• The answer to this nation's debt crisis, as well as others, lies with it's people. It is the people who have the 'real' power, not the phony baloney emperors, prime ministers, kings, potentates, et cetera, if, and that is 'if'  they will only exercise that power responsibly for all mankind!

• The power lies within and with you!

Roger Allen Baut

光:: Falling ░ falling ░ in slow motion ░ the emperor ░ falls ▒ Falling ░ falling ░ in slow motion ░ the empire falls ::光


"The fate of all mankind, I fear, is in the hands of fools." King Crimson

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I See You Smile...

[Image: Rosie Hardy]
I see you smile.
But, I know,
Behind your smile are thoughts.
Thoughts you don't think I know.
Yet, I do.
I smile at you!
Roger Allen Baut

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Requiem for One Stop Poetry

[Baut Images: Ecolo]

We are the music makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams,--
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers,
Of the world for ever, it seems.

Arthur O'Shaughnessy
(Initial lines)

As I awoke this morning, I felt very motivated to write this blog about One Stop Poetry (OSP) since I had participated in some of it's activities; namely One Shot Wednesday and One Shoot Sunday. I had also been interviewed by Adam on one occasion, and with Chris on another, with some of my photographic images being shown, along with one image that was  used in the Sunday challenge. What a great and positive experience that was!

The following are some of my personal sentiments regarding OSP:

• One of my primary beliefs is that our species, if it is going to survive, is going to need to bring people together, and work for the mutual benefit of everyone. Our forefathers knew this, when they said, "United we stand, divided we fall."

• This, indeed, is what I saw in OSP. People working together for the benefit of all participants and co-founders alike. To me, OSP brought bright and talented individuals together and provided an online experience that addressed the several aspects of the Arts.

• It was absolutely amazing to see how these Arts were presented, and that presentation must have been pretty darn good to pull me in. Especially, since I'm one of those rather selective individuals about what I do, or participate in. I look for quality, and I do mean high quality, and OSP manifested that!

• Everything about OSP was a cut above anything else I had seen regarding the Arts. Pages, layout, graphics, images, Mr. Linky (methinks) for participants to link their sites to an activity, programming, et cetera, was literally TOP OF THE LINE! Whomever did all of this work (and I think I have an idea of who it was) certainly should have been given more than a Shorty; preferably an Emmy and a cash bonus in gold; not paper!

• As I participated with OSP, I became acquainted with, and was fortunate enough to interect with some very extraordinary artists and a few of the co-founders associated with it. I really enjoyed this intereaction, as visiting their sites expanded my insight into how some of them presented their work, and how they did things. I also appreciated comments that were made from other participants and co-founders, when I wrote a poem for one of the events. I found the comments to be a wonderful tool to help me take a second look at what I had written or presented.

• So, it was, I felt a bit of sadness when I first heard about the departure of co-founders, and then to learn later on, that others were leaving too; especially since OSP had only recently celebrated it's one year anniversary. One short year, and so much accomplished. One short year and a concept that was so very much needed in today's materialistic and tired society. One short year and a model that is hopefully an inspiration to others. One short year and a Shorty for a job well done for the co-founders.

• To Adam, Peter, Leslie, Brian and Claudia, Chris, Gay and Jessica, some of you I know a bit better than others. I want to say to each of you that I am sure your efforts with OSP have touched the minds, hearts and lives of more people than you can ever imagine; I know it did mine! And, in touching those lives you have made a difference in them, and I am certain it is a positive difference.

• So a BIG personal "Thank you," is in order to each one of you, for giving me the opportunity to encounter One Stop Poetry! The path each of us travels is often a "pathless path" whether we realize it or not, but that path takes all of us to the same place at journey's end.

FINAL THOUGHT: The sad thing is, that I do not feel One Stop Poetry had to end when it did! I think there were some other dynamics involved that brought OSP to its conclusion. There were enough people involved who could have carried on the torch of OSP, even if some other individuals didn't want to. OSP could have continued bringing people together for the benefit of the Arts and people everywhere...Think about it...Did OSP really have to end so abruptly? And why does it seem that our species keeps doing this sort of thing to itself...over and over and over...But it is over...sad...Sayonara to One Stop Poetry. Perhaps Sayanora to Homo sapiens..."The moving finger writes, and then moves on." Kahlil Gibran.

"For each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth."
Arthur O'Shaughnessy

Roger Allen Baut ☺

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


[Baut Images: Sunstained Warrior]

I see you sleeping.
Yet, a traveler
In other lands;
In other realms.

A silence and peace surrounds you.
Yet, still human
With a dozen frailties;
Will a million perfections.

Your wisdom veiled by the ages.
As you lie upon the lotus
Opening the incarnation;
Opening the kaleidoscoped eye.

The day awakens about you.
Filtering through gold-green leaves
Upon the warm broad meadow;
Upon the sunstained warrior.

Roger Allen Baut

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hopes and Dreams

[Baut Images: Breaking Through]

Hopes and dreams, dreams and hopes,
Bundles of hopes and dreams,
Tied together with strings of aspiration!

Roger Allen Baut

Monday, July 4, 2011

There Are None So Blind...

[Baut Images: Beyond the Visible]

There is an old saying that comes to mind, as I think about the latest eco-disaster in America, and that saying is "There are none so blind as those who will not see!" With the oil spill in the Yellowstone River, in Montana on July 3, 2011, courtesy of Exxon Mobil, we now have one more episode in a long list of environmental disasters, that is adding to the contamination of our land and bio-shere. For further information on this and other stories, please go to the following link http://www.projectworldawareness.com/

We have only to look about us, watch the evening news, or read the newspapers, to see that our planet is fast becoming more of a toxic dump every day. As a hiker and photographer I get to see many out of the way places, and believe me I am always surprised to see plastic bottles, papers, and refuse laying about in the most unexpected places. It's always hard for me to believe what other hikers, backpackers and "supposed" nature lovers leave behind. A sad statement about mankind.

What I do find really interesting, however, is the focus of the media, on how eco-disasters will be cleaned up, or how this or that will be done to remedy the situation. In reality, folks, there is no way, for anyone, to clean any of these messes up 100%!

It also surprises me how blithely people just go about their daily lives as if nothing has happened in the Gulf of Mexico, Kalamazoo River, fracking, the Fukushima nuclear disaster, et cetera, et cetera. Simply go on as if nothing has, or is happening in their world. We are at a nexus point where people have a great opportunity to stop all of this insanity and make our world a better place, or watch it desintegrate day by day before our eyes. John Major Jenkins has written, "The materialist delusion has run its course," which I hope is true, but it seems like it's still hanging on in Washington, D. C., and other major cities.

Some time ago, I watched a program based upon a book entitled, The World Without Us, by Alan Weisman, which addressed the idea, of what the world might be like, if mankind were suddenly no longer on the planet. I heartly recommend this book to anyone interested in our environment, and how the planet might correct itself without the intereference of mankind.

Homo sapiens has been contributing to the demise of our eco-system, and itself, for hundreds of years, but now with all the chemicals, pollutants, GMOs, radiation, weapons, carcinogins, and toxins it has developed, it is speeding up the process of changing the planet and itself in a negative way that may go on for many years. I sometimes wonder, if that's what occurred on the Planet Mars?

As I have written before, mankind, for the most part, is the only species I know of that not only maims, kills, poisons and tortures others of its own kind, as well as the flora and fauna of the planet it lives on. It almost seems as if our species is innately destructive.

Osho says, that "99.9% of the people living on the planet are either asleep or drunk," which might explain why we seem to be living in a Dark Age of intolerance, ignorance, bigotry, hate, and greed. A time when little is done to help the millions of homeless verterans, youth and families that abound. A time of apathy and uncaring. A time our forefathers might not have thought could ever occur, but in their wisdom said, "United we stand. Divided we fall."

One day, and hopefully soon, people will begin opening their eyes, and start working together for the benefit of everyone, and the old phrase, "There are none so blind, as those who will not see," will be a thing of the past!

Roger Allen Baut

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hidden and Revealed

[Image: Adam Romanowicz]

Hidden and revealed are the secrets of life.
Each of us searching our lives and selves
To find the answers to the mystery
That lies behind the door of our mind and soul.

A flower of windmists, a foggy day, a drop of dew,
An amber afternoon in October, a summer's night,
And a winter's day. All hold the precious answers
We are looking for, if we but only look within,
And see with our mind's eye.

Hidden and revealed are the secrets of life.
Each of us holding within the essence of truth,
And a spark of the Divine;
That lie behind the door of our mind and soul.

Roger Allen Baut