Friday, July 22, 2011

There Are None So Blind II: The Debt Crisis w/Epitaph

[Baut Images: Liberty praying]

If anyone is a bit familiar with my blogs, he or she may see that my topics have ranged from natural earth changes, events, and disasters, to mankind's role in some of the earth changes that are taking place (fracking, oil spills, pollution, et cetera), as well as subjects relating to metaphysics, numerology, photography, poetry and prose.

The original blog, entitled, There Are None So Blind, (ref  There Are None So Blind... ) was motivated by the July 3, 2011 oilspill in the Yellowstone River, courtesy of Exxon Mobil, and delt with several environmental and sociological issues.

This particular blog moves along to another important issue that has recently caught my attention and ire, because so many people seem so very apathetic about our current debt crisis and are seemingly allowing the government to do whatever it pleases. Take away this, cut that, et cetera. Most of which is going to affect a population of people that needs government help and assistance, and it may eventually affect people who 'today' think they are 'untouchable'!

However, at this point in time, I'm not quite sure if 'apathy' is the correct word to use. The word 'apathy' seems a bit mild! Especially when I take a look at all the heinous crimes that are being perpetrated by our government, not only on our planet and eco-system, but on others of our very own species as well.

Apathy may be defined as a lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of importance. Synonyms are:  indifference, unconcern, lethargy, laziness, despiritedness, et cetera [Free Merriman-Webster Dictionary].

As historical tradition teaches us, this is supposedly a '...government of the people, by the people, and for the people,' (Gettysburg Address) not one 'of the government, by the government, and for the government!' Somehow it seems people have fallen back, and abdicated their responsibility in governance! Our elected representatives, are supposed to be 'our' representatives, and 'our' representatives do not, I feel, have most of the people's interests at heart, or any one else's for that matter, except perhaps the wealthy, banksters, corporates, oil barons, et cetera.

THE DEBT CRISIS: This issue has come to almost nausiate me, as it has gone on and on and on. All the blather about this or that, and cutting this or that. Anyone with a lone brain cell can see that the debt crisis has been perpetrated by this administration, and the preceding one.

• The real debt crisis began with the premptive war with Iraq, and the pouring of billions of dollars into that fiasco, as well as Iraqi nationals, such as Ahmed Chalibi who gobbled down millions of dollars with 'information' on Iraq. Chalibi was one of the key people who helped to perpetrate the hoax that Iraq was a threat to the US. An article on Chalibi came out in May 4, 2004; over seven years ago. Article: How Ahmed Chalibi conned the neocons

• In some way, shape or form, I am inclined to believe the neocons wanted to be 'conned' so their premptive 'little' war could be initiated. And let us not forget how the cronies in the Bush era came out of the woodwork and got contracts for their buddies; such as Halliburton. Interesting article of note here, on how Cheney was involved in this:  Cheney Coordinated Halliburton Iraq Contract

• The ongoing amount of money that has gone into Iraq from the beginning is over $788,030,280,000  and Afghanistan is over $435,908,500,00. You can do the math and see what the total for these two wars amount to, or go to, which is really cool, a continual update on the money that has been spent on these wars: Cost of War in Iraq and Afghanistan to US

• So, what's the answer? Maybe, one, is to get the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan! Or maybe the Bush and Obama administrations should pay the amount of money they spent on these fiascos, back to the federal government out of their own pockets (they're wealthy enough to foot the bill for their wars). Then perhaps they won't have to rip social security, medicare, medicaid, and other social welfare programs away from the people!

• Another answer is to cut the pay and 'benefits' that our 'professional' politicians are receiving from the federal government. Most of these people are wealthy in their own right, and wouldn't miss the money they're paid. If I'm not mistaken, our early politicians maintained themselves on their businesses and not the government! As to health care, let the politicians pay for their own health insurance policies; they've got the dough! Note: 50 per cent of US Armed Forces quailfy for Medicad! Nice! Check this out: Government Spending: Congress Member vs Military

• Also, start collecting taxes from those corporations that are sucking money out of the US, and yet have their headquarters in other countries. Nice trick on the American people corporates, enjoy your blood money that you're vampirizing out of this nation!

• The 'trickle down' philosophy is a bunch of hoo-hah! Money trickles upward from the people who are spending their hard earned money on various products, state and local taxes, et cetera, et cetera. There are virtually taxes upon every thing one can think of. Even when a person dies they're required to pay taxes to! What a bunch of hogwash is that? This country was born out a war about rediculous taxes being levied upon the colonials from the British crown, or have we forgotten?

• Another issue connected with the debt crisis is the 'Support Our Troops/Vets,' slogan, and a slogan it is, as another crock from our governement! Our veterans are being supported alright, and not in a good way! Check this out: National Coalition for Homeless Veterans

• Speaking about homeless people, might as well take a look at those people who are homeless in America. The latest assessment is there has been a 9 per cent increase in homless families in the wonderful U. S. of A. Homeless Families Increase In America

• Along with homeless veterans and families, there are also homeless kids in this supposed nation of wealth and money. Oh, there's money for stupid wars and the likes of Harmid Karzai of Afghanistan, banksters, corporates, and tax cuts for the wealthy, but we have kids going hungry, with no health insurance and no homes. Something wrong with this picture? U.S. Homeless Kids

Enough is enough! It's time to stop the insanity in America. This article has only touched on the surface of some of issues involved in the debt crisis, there are many more!

• The time is NOW, for people to start working together for the benefit of all people. The feudal regimes which are re-emerging must come to an end! Many nations were born under the banner of liberty and equality, but we now find them slipping back into a two class society of wealthy and poor, and the wealthy are squeezing the once substantive middle class into the poor.

• The answer to this nation's debt crisis, as well as others, lies with it's people. It is the people who have the 'real' power, not the phony baloney emperors, prime ministers, kings, potentates, et cetera, if, and that is 'if'  they will only exercise that power responsibly for all mankind!

• The power lies within and with you!

Roger Allen Baut

光:: Falling ░ falling ░ in slow motion ░ the emperor ░ falls ▒ Falling ░ falling ░ in slow motion ░ the empire falls ::光


"The fate of all mankind, I fear, is in the hands of fools." King Crimson


  1. Excellent article. I can tell you the more I hear about America and her problems I am happier to reside in Canada.

    However, I think that your country is like many humans living today. Looking outside itself to become "blind" to the internal problems it has no idea of solving. Injecting its veins with the addictions of War and Money in hopes that it will somehow dull the ache and drone out the voices of her people.

    I just hope it wakes before things come to a head and implosion can no longer be avoided.

  2. Thanks so much for your comment Tracie, I sincerely appreciate your input! Glad you found it an 'Excellent article' and concur with your views! "...addictions of War and Money," to be sure!

    The U.S. is paralleling the last days of the Roman empire all to closely! We have all the symptoms of an empire falling! Interestingly, most Romans were unaware that the empire had fallen until after the fact...Empires rise, empires fall...

    Thanks again for your comment and response. Sincerely appreciated! Roger ☺

  3. Unfortunately, people in this lovely country of Canada like to look to the US and say "thank god!" Sorry folks! It's not that easy. We are all hurting, if your not, chances are you are employed by the government, or you own a company rich enough that the government is willing to bend over backwards to kiss your you know what. The US burps...and we get the heartburn (no offence, Roger!) Our banks and lenders have reacted to the crises in the the US to the point they have created our own. There is no more money! Anywhere! On paper you can show profit...but try to put food on your table with statements of earnings! It is time for the people of the WORLD to stand up as people of the WORLD. Our governments are failing us, our doctors are shipping out, bottom's cheaper to drink soda pop than it is MILK! Come on...are we going to let them kill us all before we have our say? Roger, thank you so much for posting this, maybe there is hope for humanity after all. Do people not realize that the numbers are on our side! How long, global citizens, are we going to allow our governments to make a mockery of us. This ol horse ain't willing to drink from their pond blindfolded anymore! (sorry for the rant struck a chord in this tired old heart!)

  4. Hi Natasha! Thank you so much for your response and input! I really think you've done a brilliant job with your response to my blog...

    • Good point: "Unfortunately, people in this lovely country of Canada like to look to the US and say 'thank god!' Sorry folks! It's not that easy."

    • It's really like having the Roman empire sitting on your border w/a pompous Caesar (Cicero) as emperor. Lots of speechifying to bedazzle the masses, and a lot like someone shaking your hand and picking your pocket at the same time, and giving the money to the nobles...

    ◘ "Our banks and lenders have reacted to the crises in the the US to the point they have created our own. There is no more money!"

    • KEY PHRASE HERE: "There is no more money!" So, very true, though most people don't realize it!

    ◘ "On paper you can show profit...but try to put food on your table with statements of earnings!"

    • Right on Natasha...

    ◘ "It is time for the people of the WORLD to stand up as people of the WORLD. Our governments are failing us..."

    • Right on target Natasha! It is time for the people of the world to stand up as people of the world, and our govenments are indeed failing us...

    • The challenge here is to wake the people up! As Osho says, "99.9% of the people in the world are asleep, or drunk." That's a pretty hefty number of sleepers...especially when you think there's around 7B people on the planet...but .1 per cent of around 7B is better than nothing...

    ◘ "...our doctors are shipping out, bottom's cheaper to drink soda pop than it is MILK! Come on...are we going to let them kill us all before we have our say?

    ◘ "Do people not realize that the numbers are on our side! How long, global citizens, are we going to allow our governments to make a mockery of us."

    • Nope, I don't think many do Natasha... methinks part of the problem lies within the frame of mind people are in today.

    • I've seen so many groups formed for 'this' or 'that' and for a while they do well, maybe extremely well, then all of a sudden something happens and the group falls apart, with people going different directions. It really seems that people just cannot work together harmonously for the benefit of all, and, THAT may be the underlying factor into how we got to this juncture?

    • We seem to be in the 'ultimate' ME Generation, whether one is 10 or 100 years of age. It's like the spoiled 'child' syndrome...more, more, more...feed me, feed me, feed me 'til I vomit! An Age of Gluttony...

    ◘ "This ol horse ain't willing to drink from their pond blindfolded anymore!"

    • Good for you Natasha, me neither! Our numbers may be small, but at least we are somewhat aware of what's going on, and we can still write our perspectives, and perhaps we'll wake some other folks up?

    • All of this seems like I'm watch some really poor made for cable movie...which I don't do much anymore...AND watching a supposed 1 hour move thst's really only 41 minutes long, owing to 19 minutes of commercials is a waste...

    ◘ "Roger, thank you so much for posting this, maybe there is hope for humanity after all."

    • I hope so too Natasha...and methinks it is hope that has kept our species going...the numbers of those with questing minds, and the desire to make the human condition better for everyone has always been a small number...but it has also produced Rosseau, Locke, St. Augustine, Rembrandt, Michaelangelo, et cetera...

    ◘ "(sorry for the rant struck a chord in this tired old heart!)

    • Not a rant at all Natasha...a clear perspective of where we are today...and a wake up call to anyone else who may read this...

    Cheers, Natasha, and thanks again!

    Take gentle care,
    Roger ☺

  5. We are one....each and every spirit a piece of the divine...but all running different directions, how are we supposed to hold that divinity together? Our planet, our world, reflects what we project...and the selfish child description works for me. I'd lay down everything I own, if it meant we could fix it. What is wrong with wanting the best of life for EVERYBODY...rather than just ourselves?

  6. • Once again, I agree with you 110 per cent Natasha! Exactly:

    ◘ "We are one....each and every spirit a piece of the divine...but all running in different directions..."

    • And it is the 'ego' that is the challenge we face, as people run around in all directions screaming, ME! ME! ME!

    • But, what they fail to realize is the Law of Karma works, and we reap what we sew, if not here then another lifetime!

    ◘ "I'd lay down everything I own, if it meant we could fix it."

    • Yes, me too!

    ◘ "What is wrong with wanting the best of life for EVERYBODY...rather than just ourselves?"

    • Correct, and is it not written, "Am I my brothers keeper?" Everything in nature works together! It is only Homo spaiens that pillages and destroys the planet's air, water, plants and animals. It is only Homo sapiens that tortures, maims and kills others of it's own species.

    • And, it is going to take 'action' to stop the insanity we are dealing with, not sitting on a lily pad in some corner chanting words for hours and days on end...our challenges are in the material/physical world and so must be faced here!

    • Historically, many civilizations have reached the point we are presently at and most of them fell...the template is there with the Roman empire...gluttonous, over extended military, rule by the elite class and an emperor, financial problems, et cetera...

    • Methinks the tipping point as been reached and the roller coaster ride down is going to be one heck of a ride...look out below...

    Thanks again Natasha, somehow we have to wake people up...

    Roger ☺
