Numerology Plain and Simple:
A Mini Course: Part I
Roger Allen Baut, M.A.
Roger Allen Baut, M.A.
Historical Perspectives
We know for a fact that the “Science of Numbers,” or Numerology as it is now most frequently called, goes back to ancient times. Forms of “enumeration,” or theories of numbers and their significance, can be traced back to the Chaldeans, Egyptians, Hebrews, et cetera. The ancient sages knew there was significance in, or between, letters and numbers.
For example, the Egyptians used enumeration to foretell circumstances, name their children, and to find auspicious dates to bring in governmental reforms, edicts, or codes into their society. The Hebrew people named their children according to the enumeration of their language, with each letter a clue to the total characteristic of a person.
No one really knows, or is certain, how old Numerology is, because discoveries in archeology are continuously dating everything we know about the ancient world and mankind, backward.
The Egyptian nobility used enumeration to write their messages, and then have their slaves deliver those messages to the designated person, who could understand the encrypted message. In this way, if a message were intercepted, no one would be able to read the message, except one versed in enumeration.
The following is a legend known to the ancient Hebrews: Because God wished Adam and Eve to be able to keep records and name every creature. He, therefore, sent one of his angels to teach them the Science of Numerology, which included the understanding of the meaning of each number.
This knowledge was handed down until it reached Enos, the son of Seth, who both believed Noah when he told them about the coming flood, which has been documented in many ancient civilization’s records. It is said that these two carved the wisdom of numbers and the stars into two pillars of stone.
As tradition continues to tell us, the Great Flood came, and these two stone pillars floated away, with one landing in Egypt and the other in Greece. The one with the wisdom of the stars was said to be found in Egypt by Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice Wise), who taught Astrology to the Egyptians.
As a divine fount of writing, Hermes Trismegistus has been credited with thousands of high caliber writings, and reputed to be of immense antiquity. In Plato's writing of Timaeus and Critias he states that in the temple of Neith at Sais, there were secret halls containing historical records that had been kept for about 9,000 years.
The other pillar is reported to have been found by Pythagoras of Samos, who is attributed to founding the University of Golden Harmony where he taught the Science of Numbers. He is often revered as a great mathematician, mystic and scientist, and Herodotus referred to him as ‘the most able philosopher among the Greeks.’ He is best known for the Pythagorean theorem, which bears his name, and as 'the father of numbers.’
Pythagoras and his students believed that everything was related to mathematics and that numbers were the ultimate reality. It was through mathematics, that everything could be predicted, and measured in rhythmic patterns, or cycles. He was also the first man to refer to himself as a philosopher, or lover of wisdom.
One of Pythagoras’s premises was moderation in all things, and nothing in, or to excess. He felt that anything in excess was just as negative as anything else, such as an excess of virtue could become a negative also.
He, as well as other ancients, developed a system of numbers as applied to letters, wherein there was a metaphysical expression of a letter, as a numerical equivalent. For example, the Greek letter Alpha, A, equated to “1,” Beta, B. equated to “2,” Gamma, equated to “3,” and so on. It is from this Pathagorean System of Numbers, that our most pravalent System of Numerology has emerged.
The legend of the two pillars, may or may not be factual, but what is true, is that two stone pillars were found by British archeologists, one in Egypt and one in Greece. These pillars now reside in English museums. On the Egyptian pillar are facts concerning Astrology, and on the Grecian pillar, Numerology.
As Elaine Lewis said of Numerology:
“Numerology is a total science. It explains the relative existence of everything in nature, based upon the premise that everything is reducible to numbers, and that all numbers follow the natural law of predictable mathematical progression.
Rhythm, is the Law of the Universe in all things. Without it the use of numbers there would be no rhythm. The waltz, for example, is a three-quarter time, or we move to the count of three. We march to the decided count of four. Our lives, if properly balanced, move to the count of eight. Eight hours to work, if that is still possible, eight hours for personal time, and eight hours for rest. Of course, nowadays, most people break this system, which is largely the cause of so much of our disease and discord.
Each number brings its own vibration into our lives, the numbers that bring peace, as well as those that bring a certain amount of challenge. Numbers are wll indoctrinated in our society from one’s address, zip code, telephone, social security, et cetera. The concept of positive and negative, or good and evil is the simplest attempt at universal understanding of numbers, as every number has its positive and negative aspect. Numbers play a prominent role in our lives, but the significance of numbers is fading into the past, as many people drift from the ancient arts and teachings, into other areas of interest.”
Comment: This is bourne out by the fact that people wasted over 4.8 millon hours, or a total of 549 years, on Friday, May 21, 2010, playing Google's Pac-Man Doodle 30th anniversary game. I think that says it all!
A Mini Course: Part II
Roger Allen Baut, M.A.
Roger Allen Baut, M.A.
In the Pythagorean system of Numerology, which is most commonly found in this country and other Western nations, each letter of the alphabet relates to a certain numerical equivalent. The system which Elaine Lewis taught, and is presented here, uses the numbers "1" through "9" to correspond to each letter. In other countries, or theories of numbers, this system maybe found to be quite different.
As an example for presenting the meaning of letters and numbers, lets take the English letters A, J, and S, whose numerical equivalent is the number 1. The number 1, as well as the letters themselves have several meanings. In general, the letters A, J, and S each have in commom a certain amount of leadership, strength, and determination, which is part of the vibration of the number 1, while each letter also carries its own intrinsic attributes. So, in the interpretation of a name, one needs to take the vibration of a number, and the letter itself into consideration.
When I look at the first consonant and vowel in a person's name, I see them as strong indicators of what a person's characteristics may be like. A full alphabetical/numerical analysis, however, gives a more in-depth look into the vibration of a person's name, but the first consonant and vowel certainly paints a little sketch for me to consider.
It should be remembered, that I use the word "indicator," which means the characteristics I find when doing a sketch or analysis are not necessarily carved in stone, but, most often, the characteristics I do find, are most often consistant with the personality of an individual.
A commonality of the letters A, J, and S is leadership, but based upon the other letters in the name, these letters show a potential for leadership; just as the flip-side of leadership might be bossiness. Each letter has its positive and negative aspects, so consider both when you work with any name. In doing this, one starts to exercise one's own intuition and insight into an individual and name.
In the following material are letters, their keywords, and short phrases that help to describe the characteristics of a letter. There are actually longer interpretations for them, but owing to the limitations of this page their shorter interpretations are presented for your consideration.
As you review the list, see how the first vowel and consonant may match with individuals you may know, or yourself, and have a little fun with them.
A: Leadership, determination, strong will, assertiveness, aggressiveness, rigidity.
B: Balance, cooperation, emotional nature, ability to take direction.
C: Communication skills, intellectual qualities, may talk too much, creative.
D: Precision, facts, may get into boxed in situations, learning to rise above adversity.
E: Energetic, outgoing, catalyst, explorer, learn balance, may need to slow down.
F: Optimism, association, helfulness to to others, privacy.
G. Investigative, self-understanding, understanding others, bit of perfectionism.
H: Potential for material success, prestige, business acumen, progress.
I: Strong intuitive ability, benevolence, empathy, sympathy, volunteerism.
J: Initiative, leadership, originality, self-sufficiency, stubbornness.
K: Magnetic personality, sunny disposition, may be indecisive.
L: Active, may get involved in too many things, popular, versatile.
M: Noble ideas, work, love of harmony, tendency to get "stuck" on occasion.
N: Fluidity, energetic, mercurial nature, may scatter talents.
O: Law of Material Responsibility, mystic philosophy, intellectuality.
P: Intense, stoic, passionate, may be sarcastic, false pride.
Q: A forceful and martial quality tempered by mysticism, will, self-discipline.
R: Denotes occult/metaphysical potentialities, lack of self-control, high voltage.
S: Strong creative impulses, spontaneity, leadership, self-starter.
T: Tolerant, cooperative, good business partner, considerate, may vacillate.
U: Popularity, pleasure, success, benefits gained through life, upbeat, critical.
V: Precision, facts, logic, structure rhythm, may at times be unimaginative.
W: Physical, energetic, versatilve, creative, may be tempermental, inconsistent.
X: Artistic, spiritual, philosophic, authoritative, secretive, dictatorial.
Y: Intelligence, perception, trustworthy, deliberate, shy, withdrawn, calculating.
Z: Perseverance, success, will power, trustworthy, conservative, stubborn
Exercise: Think about the first vowels and consonants in the names of people you know, and your own, and think about what similarities there may be between the letters and short indicators that are given.
The birth path is an indicator for one's potential individual nature and career. It is computed by taking a birth date and breaking it down to it lowest number. Example: August 16, 1964. 09 (month) + 1 + 6 (day) + 1 + 9 + 6 + 4 (year) = 36 or 3 + 6 = 9. The number 9, therefore, is the birth path of this individual. The following are points of information for the various birth numbers.
- 1: Someone who is assertive, determined, courageous, and has ambition and drive, and works best with new ideas; especially in experimental fields. A creative force that works best where he/she can make the decisions. Managers, producers, directors, supervisors, inventors, or a pioneers in any field.
- 2: Denotes a person who is usually very calm and balanced, and works best in association with others. Personal magnetism, charm, personality, detail oriented. Business partners, statisticians, physicians, nurses, political assistants, or administrative assistants.
- 3: An individual who is very expressive, creative, active, and functions well in any area where he/she can use their personality, charm, or voice when interacting with people. Excellent in any social situation. Actor, writer, journalist, performer, et cetera.
- 4: Signifies one who is deliberate cautious, precise and performs best in material and practical areas where accuracy, concentration, and perseverance are needed, and doesn't need a lot of people around them to function. Accountant, bookkeeper, banker, bank teller, economist, engineer. secretarial fields are examples of areas in which the 4 birth path shines.
- 5: A person who usually manifests a lot of energy and movement, and is versatile, restless, likes to travel, and enjoys areas of endeavor that are speculative. Gravitates to fields with moderate to constant change, a fast paced work environment, and has the ability to work under pressure. Promoters, agents, advertisers, marketing, sales persons, or anything dealing with the public.
- 6: Someone who is dependable, considerate, empathetic, and has developed a degree of social consciousness. Does well in fields geared toward the improvement of education, life, home, or those faced with challenges. Counselors, social workers, educators, health and human services.
- 7: An individual endowed with mental analysis and perception; deep character and somewhat mystical in nature. Does well in scientific and philanthropic areas of concentration. Clergy, research, psychology, poetry.
- 8: One who manifests authority, and where positions of responsibility to delegate are predominant, and the individuals' opinions and directives are final. Indicates material gain and people who work where the power of the voice is essential. Powerful, successful individuals, and those who are physically active. Public speakers, attorneys, politicians, athletes, local and community leaders.
- 9: Denotes someone who is idealistic, universal consciousness, ability to facilitate improvement in mankind's condition, and where the welfare of others comes first. Civic leaders, charitable foundations, publishers, artists, and humanitarians.
- 11: Master number. Indicates one with an inspirational nature whose ideas can implement change in society. Endows with the ability to accomplish positive results in the material/physical plane. Idealists. This number also manifests with the 2, as 1+1=2, so the aspects of peace (perhaps peace at any cost) and balance are interwoven in this vibration.
- 22: Strictly a large scale individual. Government, international corporations/relations where exceptional thinking is required. The 4 is also interwoven in this vibration as 2+2=4, so we may also consider those aspects of precision, accuracy, perserverance.
Exercise: Think about the birthdates of some people you know, as well as your own, and calculate a couple birth paths. Sometimes one may become more aware of one's attributes through the calculation of ones birthpath, and seeing what ones birthpath reveals.