Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Within the Vessel

I Am the Spirit Being

[Image entitled: Spirit Being]

I am the Spirit being
That lives within my physical body,
And I have experienced much
During my sojourn on Planet Earth.

I revel in the senses
That my vehicle provides me,
From touch, to taste and sight,
On to hearing and smell.

The flowers and forests,
Lakes and rivers provide us all
With a wondrous opportunity
To explore and nurture our world.

I am the Spirit being
That lives within my physical body,
And I have traveled much
During my sojourn on Planet Earth.

I have seen the sun rise and set
From an old Ryokan on Sagami Bay,
And beheld the Shrine of the Black Madonna
Tucked away in an Einsieden monastery.

I have watched the seasons pass
From blossoming Spring to Summer,
then Autumn's colours to Winter's chill
And back again, on their epic journey.

So much, so much to see and experience
As we all travel in our vessels of clay.
Collectors of experiences and memories
As we travel through time and space.

I am the Spirit being
That lives within my physical body,
As you are the Spirit being
That lives within yours.

Roger Allen Baut


  1. Our spirits are rich for the bodies experiences. (Hugs)Indigo

  2. Nicely said Indigo...and I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to leave your thoughts! Love what your write, "Our spirits are rich for the bodies experiences." So true...hugs right back at yah! ☺

  3. a good beginning, but who are you? Alone, in the void, what manner of being? How do you see yourself? Do you have a name? What do you do? I am curious to meet another void walker. Are you one such?

  4. Hello there, and thank you for the comments & questions, and those questions are interesting. No simple answers to any of the questions, however...but I will see what unfolds as I contemplate them... ☺

  5. the spirit plays a vital role in our lives, gleening from our experiences that which we need...you took us on a beautiful journey today...

  6. Thanks so much for the comment Brian, it's sincerely appreciated, and I'm pleased that you said, "you took us on a beautiful journey today..." It was a fascinating experience for me when I actually "sensed" my "spirit/spark" self, within the "shell" of my physicality. The ancient wisdoms all speak to this...so much we have forgotten, and what we have forgotten, replaced with materialism...But, one day...there will be a great awakening! ☺

  7. "clay vessels" the entire piece is quite thought provoking, yet this hung with me a bit longer, giving that sense that we can mold ourselves. An eloquent message about focusing on the church that is our flesh. Lovely ~ Rose

  8. Yes we can mold ourselves choosing day by day who we wish to be, it is at times a difficult, even painful process, but it ours to do, or leave undone.

  9. Thank you so much for your leaving your comments and thoughts Rose and Ashes! "Clay vessels" that will one day return to the earth from which they came...and the "spark/spirit" being released once more to continue on its journey through time and space. And we do, indeed, have the capacity to evolve, grow and "mold ourselves day by day who we wish to be." ☺

  10. yes - we collect and travel...and move through life in those fragile vessels....thanks for taking us on the journey chasing tao

  11. You are quite welcome Claudia! And, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts! Sincerely appreciated! ☺

  12. Quite the worldly piece in this - a well-traveled spirit, looking out on the majesty of the world in these fleeting forms..."clay vessels," to be molded, to be crafted, to come away into something new again when all is said and done...lovely.

  13. Thank you so much for your comment! Sincerely appreciate your input...and yes, as you say, "'clay vessels,' to be molded, to be crafted, to come away into something new again when all is said and done..."
