Hedges tells Bill Moyers. "It's the willingness on the part of people who seek personal enrichment to destroy other human beings...And because the mechanisms of governance can no longer control them, there is nothing now within the formal mechanisms of power to stop them from creating essentially a corporate oligarchic state."
Here is part of an interview Chris Hedges had with Bill Moyers on July, 21, 2012. Pause and consider.
The Earth is a beautiful planet with so many things to see, from its oceans, lakes, mountains, rivers and streams, landscapes, to it's four seasons. During my lifetime, I have been fortunate to travel to Asia, Europe, and several places in North America. I have seen some wonderful, and perhaps not so wonderful things in this world of ours.
As I have traveled, my perception of the world shifted and broadened, and I came to the awareness that everything is connected. I became aware that every man, woman, child, plant, animal, fish, et cetera, as well as the oceans, rivers, lakes, land and sky are all interconnected. Unfortunately, not a lot of people feel the same way as I do. Osho says that, "99.9% of people are either asleep or drunk."
I have said on occasion, "I feel I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness," and that "...if we don't all start working together, for the mutual benefit of all humankind and the planet, then we, as a species, as well as the planet, will suffer and cease to exist as we know it today."
Sadly, only a few have listened to my words, and many people have let them go in one ear and out the other. Society has become, for the most part, a self-absorbed superficial population, who may give lip-sevice to one thing or another, but that's about it.
Over the past several months, I have tried to encourage a message of cooperation, but what I have learned is, that people really have no sincere interest in working together for the mutual benefit of anyone else, or the planet. They are, oftentimes, self-centered and self-serving, and may 'talk the talk,' but don't 'walk the walk.'
Is it so difficult to work together with others in harmony? Is it so difficult to acknowledge and promote someone else's work? Is it so difficult to be a human being?
It is said, "There are none so blind as those who will not see," and there is a lot of truth in those words. I found an interesting quote, a short while back, that goes along with all of this, and, interestingly, it comes from, believe it or not, Coronation Street, and that quote is, "We live in self-congratulatory times." That quote really says a lot about who we are as a society, and a people.
Osho writes, "Everything is connected. This connectedness is what is meant by the word Tao: the connectedness, the interconnectedness, the interdependence of all. Nobody is separate, hence ego is absurd. Only the whole can say "I": the parts should not say "I." If they have to say, they should say it only as a linguistic formality; but they should not claim the "I."
It may already be too late to change what humankind has done not only to itself, but the planet as well, I don't know. I have also written, that "...if things do not radically change quickly, Homo sapiens sapiens will go down, in history, as the most virulent species that has ever inhabited this planet. What other species maims, tortures, abuses, kills, wages ignorant wars based upon greed upon others of its own kind, and wrecks havoc upon the only planet it has to live upon? The worst thing about all of this is, that the majority of people have sat back, and allowed all of these atrocities to happen.
Oh, yes, there are a few who are, and have been, trying to change that, but the poison is already in our land, air, water, food and physical body.
"I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness."
"Tell me why?
Why, we can do nothin'.
Why? Why?
We can do nothin'.
How long
we sit and watch it!
Tell me why?
We can do,
We can do nothin'." Beissoul
Footnote: This blog was posted on July 20th. It is now some time since it went up, and as anyone can see, there has been minimal comment (pro or con) in regard to what has been presented in this article. That in itself is a 'big' message, and a significator that I am part of a malignant species that is not only destroying itself, but the very planet it lives on. Raise a glass to Homo sapiens moronus, the most 'self-centered' and 'oblivious' species to inhabit Planet Earth.
Many ancient cultures and societies have viewed the butterfly as a symbol of transformation and change, because of its impressive process of metamorphosis.
❀ Butterfly Daze❀
Resplendent in all of it's beauty The butterfly does not strut about Seeking it's own praise or glory.
It does not sit for hours waiting to be liked, Or seek out others in the meadow To tell it how wonderful and grand it is.
The butterfly simply 'is.' And as with all things in nature; A part of the passing loveliness of this world.
The humble butterfly brings Faithfulness to the flowers, And gives, as it is given to in return. ❀ Symbiosis ❀ A Gathering
A gathering of butterflies, Traveling from flower to flower, Sharing with each other, hour after hour.
A gathering of butterflies, Traversing the skies and fields, Without any need for shields. A gathering of butterflies, In synchronous motion Traveling without any commotion. ❀ "Love is like a butterfly: It goes where it pleases, and it pleases wherever it goes." Unknown
A tower is decapitated by a thunderbolt. Misery, distress, indigence, adversity, calamity, deception, ruin. The chastisement of pride.
A crowned and uncrowned man are
precipitated from the tower,
falling down with the rest of the debris.
Falling in slow motion,
The Bill of Rights falls.
Falling in slow motion,
The Constitution falls.
Falling in slow motion
The citizenry falls.
Falling in slow motion
The plutocracy falls.
Falling in slow motion,
The emperor falls.
Falling in slow motion.
The planet falls.
The Tower is Falling
"We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religions destroy morals, and our banks destroy the economy,"
Chris Hedges
Chris Lynn Hedges is an American journalist, author, and war correspondent specializing in American and Middle Eastern politics and societies.
There are none so blind, or deaf, as those who will not see or hear...
She says, "I want my freedom!" He says, "You can never be truly free." She says, "That's not true." He says, "Yes, it is." She says, "What do you mean?" He says, "Youre a soul trapped inside a physical body." She says, "You're crazy!" He says, "Am I now?"
Dance the dance.
Dance the dance of the soul.
We've been dancing since time began,
And it's so very long ago,
That now we've forgotten.
We've forgotten who we are,
Simply, souls dancing,
Dancing through time and space.
We've forgotten we were
To be caretakers of this sacred place,
And keepers of divine grace.
Now, we must wake-up.
Wake-up soon, before it's too late,
And perhaps change our disastrous fate.
Dance the dance of the soul.
Dance the dance.
She says, "Yes, you are!" He says, "When you leave the physical you're truly free." She says, "How's that?" He says, "These shells we live in are only temporary." She says, "What have you been smoking?" He says, "Not smoking, waking-up!" She says, "I don't want to wake-up!" He says, "Go deep, deep inside, and r-e-m-e-m-b-e-r..."