Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tempest Rising

[Tempest: Maxfield Parrish]
There's a tempest stirring.
I can feel it in my soul.

The Earth is trembling.
The sky is moving sideways.
The oceans are flooding.
The fires making highways.

There's a tempest stirring.
I can feel it in my soul.


There's a tempest stirring.
I can feel it in my soul.

The Earth will open.
The sky will cry.
The ocean will cleanse.
The fire will purge.

There's a tempest rising.
I can feel it in my soul.

Roger Allen Baut

Once upon a time there was integrity.
Once upon a time there were heroes.
Once upon a time there were champions of the people.
Once upon a time there was a Joan of Arc.

If we seek positive change in the world,
for ourselves and the planet, then WE must be the Change!

For What It's Worth: Change
NWCU Wednesday Wake-Up Call 23.05.12

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Oceans of Creativity

This presention is in 'triplet' form.
It consists of an image/photograph, poem/prose, and video.
Enjoy, explore and consider its various aspects.

[Baut Images: Coming Home to Albion]

There are Oceans of Creativity.
There are Seas of Enchantment.
There are Lakes of Dreams.
There are pools of light beneath the Earth.

Yet, we chose to ignore them,
And simply settle for the routine.
Settle for the mundane,
Settle for the same old thing.

Yet, we can chose to be creative,
And not settle for the routine.
Not settle for the mundane.
Not settle for the same old thing.

There are pools of light beneath the Earth.
There are Lakes of Dreams.
There are Seas of Enchantment.
There are Oceans of Creativity.

Roger Allen Baut

"Ella galalea kolotya lo
He ana hella kielessa niova nya..."

"It's written on walls of stone in starlight,
There is a path across the night..." Sally Oldfield

Thursday, May 10, 2012


This presention is in 'triplet' form.
It consists of an image/photograph, poem/prose, and video.
Enjoy, explore and consider its various apspects.

AIR CASTLES: Maxfield Parish

And behold I saw many signs and wonders in the heavens,
and in the earths!

I saw the many worlds of the galaxy, laid out before me,
and unreality, reflected from reality.

The mirror of my soul's lives were reflected in the mirror of the sky,
and at last, the inner me merged with the outer me.

Once again, I became as I am.

Roger Allen Baut