Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Many Lives

[Baut Images: Pathless Path]

How many paths do we travel in one life?
How many roles do we play in one life?
How many lives do we live in one life?

And yet, so many do not see
How each 'now' moment,
How each 'new' experience,
Leads them from there, to here.

And how every choice shapes us
Into who we are today.
Like the potter, who shapes
The clay on the wheel; round and round.

Molding and shaping.
Shaping and molding.
Molding and shaping.
Shaping and molding.

Every choice that we make,
A door opens to a new future,
That goes on shaping
Us into, who we are today.

How many roads have we driven in one life?
How many people have we passed by in one life?
How many lives do we live in one life?

Many lives...

2012 Roger Allen Baut

Please note: This is a 'triplet' of image, poem and video. Please view all three as one compositon.


  1. This is always an interesting subject matter- have we got choice? do the choices we make then impact on our direction in life? does it then mean that actually we don't have any choice because our actions are always impacting on the future- whcih then leads to are our paths preditermined. Nicely written & reflective piece on a subject that ALWAYS makes my head hurt!

    1. Nice to have you stop by Stu and leave your thoughts! Glad you found the poem, having "...interesting subject matter."

      Yes, I'm right there with you...it certainly is a many 'tentacled' subject. I often wonder a lot about this subject. Actually, Gregg Braden in "The Isiah Effect," does a pretty nice job of trying to 'untangle' the subject.

      Thanks again,
      Roger ☺

  2. And how every choice shapes us
    Into who we are today.
    Like the potter, who shapes
    The clay on the wheel; round and round....yep-- the choices we make and the people we meet on the way surely shape us...i like the potter image a lot..

    1. Hi Claudia! So very nice to have you stop by and share your thoughts! I'm very happy you liked the 'potter' image and those lines! Very much appreciated!

      Roger ☺

  3. Roger, that was just what I needed--soothing and comforting--and each aspect of the post so beautiful, poem, pic, and that wonderful video. Thank you.

    1. Hello, hello Joy! A pleasure to see you here, and letting me know you resonated to the 'triplet.' That video is one of my favourites...so happy you liked it! Many thanks...Roger ☺

  4. lot of truth in that one...honestly i think people live in the moment and dont think about how it will impact the next...our decisions def determine where we get in this life...

    1. Hello Brian! Thank you for coming by and sharing your sentiments! I agree with your comment, "i think people live in the moment and dont think about how it will impact the next," So very true...Thanks again, Roger ☺

  5. I love your use of repetition - it really does convey the sense of prayers wheels, lives, hopes, dreams spinning - together the three works are much more

    1. Well, hello there marousia! Nice to see you...and very happy you liked the presentaion...I agree with you that the use of repititon, "...really does convey the sense of prayer wheels, lives, hopes, dreams spinning..." Thanks so much! Roger ☺

  6. Really great job Roger. Really like how all three work together. You are an exceptional photographer. Did you do that video?, either way fits wonderfully and is super cool to boot. As for the poem, excellent message and the repetition does a great job reinforcing the idea of molding. Excellent experience. Thanks

    1. ...thanks Fred! I really appreciate your input! Glad you like this presentation and my photography!

      I wish I had done that video (maybe one of these days)...it's part of my YouTube collection by Seven7Lives who's extraordinary!

      Glad you found this and 'excellent' experience...and 'thank you!'

      Roger ☺

  7. True words and thoughts.... Nicely penned. I enjoyed it :)

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughts and stopping by Ayala! Glad you enjoyed this presentation! Roger ☺

  8. "And how every choice shapes us
    Into who we are today."
    I have always believed this. Our choice define us.
    A wonderful composition, I really enjoyed this.

    1. Hi Ginny! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts, and letting me know that you, "...really enjoyed this." Appreciated Ginny! Roger ☺

  9. Our *choices* define us.(Sorry for the mis-type.)

    1. No apology necessary Ginny! I make them too! ☺

  10. I love this theme! Used this in one poem, a twist on the idea of reincarnation, called "Past Lives" in which the many past lives are actually the many paths that one chooses in one life. Here you explore this a semi-philosophical treatise - excellent rendition!

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Samuel! I really appreciate reading them! So, glad you enjoyed the subject matter and way it was presented! Roger ☺

  11. Inspirational and one that leads to reflection. The roads are everywhere and most often, we race headlong without looking at our choices or our chance to interact in the shaping of the lives of others. And then there are those moments when we make that one choice that we never regret.

    When I clicked to come here and was greeted by the first image, I felt myself settle, as though restlessness turned away for this bit of time. Then the pathless path showed me the familiarity shared and your poem gave me pause to remember that I have choices and not to waste them. Gorgeous work and a true pleasure to visit your blog.

    1. Thank you so very much Beth for sharing your thoughts with me. I sincerely appreciate them. Your comment was poetry in itself! I am so pleased you resonate to my work.

      This has been a very difficult week for me, as oftentimes I feel as if I am speaking a language only a few people understand.

      Finding your words this evening has lifted my spirits immensely...Thank you! Roger ☺

  12. A beautiful video and your words raise the questions we all seek answers to..life is always changing us...We become our choices...may they make us better people...A wonderful piece.

    1. Thanks for finding this a "wonderful piece Susie! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts! Sincerely appreciated!

      roger ☺
