Saturday, May 19, 2012

Oceans of Creativity

This presention is in 'triplet' form.
It consists of an image/photograph, poem/prose, and video.
Enjoy, explore and consider its various aspects.

[Baut Images: Coming Home to Albion]

There are Oceans of Creativity.
There are Seas of Enchantment.
There are Lakes of Dreams.
There are pools of light beneath the Earth.

Yet, we chose to ignore them,
And simply settle for the routine.
Settle for the mundane,
Settle for the same old thing.

Yet, we can chose to be creative,
And not settle for the routine.
Not settle for the mundane.
Not settle for the same old thing.

There are pools of light beneath the Earth.
There are Lakes of Dreams.
There are Seas of Enchantment.
There are Oceans of Creativity.

Roger Allen Baut

"Ella galalea kolotya lo
He ana hella kielessa niova nya..."

"It's written on walls of stone in starlight,
There is a path across the night..." Sally Oldfield


  1. Nice...I say don't settle...keep living the dream :)

    1. Thanks Ayala! I'll keep that in mind! Appreciate you stopping by!

      Roger ☺

  2. Roger

    You really do have a knack for knocking these triplets out of the park. I tried one the other day, but everytime I thought I found the right song, it fizzled away…so for anyone thinking this is easy, it's not and a testament to the time and effort Roger put into this. Great job Thanks

    1. Hey there Fred!

      So nice to have you stop by and share your thoughts! Thanks so much for the "...great job" too! You're quite right Fred they're not really all that easy to do...all three pieces need to be synchronized together. But, if anyone can tackle a triplet and make it work, it certainly would be you! I'd really love to have you do one...or more!

      Thanks again,
      Roger ☺
